5027 S Commerce Dr
Murray, UT 84107
One of the great benefits of utilizing epoxy coating on a garage floor or any similar area of your property is the fact that it makes cleaning and maintaining the surface far easier. A few basic steps are still required here, however, and knowing how to go about cleaning such a surface after epoxy coating has been applied is vital for long-term durability and lifespan.
At Intermountain Coatings, we're happy to offer high-quality garage floor coatings, plus many other coating and waterproofing services for clients around Utah. We also offer numerous areas of expertise to clients, including on how to care for any surface we've applied materials to. Let's look at some basics on cleaning your garage floor after it's been coated with epoxy - today's part one of our two-part series will go over the basic materials you'll need, while part two will go over some simple steps to follow.
In most cases, especially for large garage spaces that have been epoxy coated, you will need a mop and bucket. Be sure to use a clean mop that is dedicated solely for cleaning the garage floor, as dirty mops can spread debris on the surface instead of actually helping remove it.
Also, be sure to get a sturdy bucket that won't slip or flow over when full of water.
For spots and really stubborn stains, you may want to get a specialized cleaning solution specifically designed for epoxy-coated surfaces, as this can help break down the dirt and grime more quickly. You may also choose to use baking soda or powdered abrasive cleaners if needed. This is one area where you should be relying on the expertise of professionals if you're unsure of what will work best.
Another important item for cleaning your epoxy-coated garage floor will be towels or rags. Microfiber cloths are ideal as they can be used to remove excess water and dirt, plus they're much more absorbent than regular cloth materials.
One other important note to make is that any cleaners or solutions containing acidic or strong chemical compounds should never be used on epoxy-coated surfaces. This could lead to permanent damage, and in most cases, the manufacturers of these coatings will void any warranties if you use such products.
Now you have a basic overview of what materials and supplies you'll need to clean your epoxy-coated garage floor. Be sure to check back for part two of this series, where we'll go over the specific steps you can take to effectively clean and maintain your newly epoxy coated surface.
With Intermountain Coatings on your side, you can easily get quality coating services and plenty of knowledge on how to best clean and maintain your new surfaces. We look forward to hearing from you soon!